Ľudovú školu absolvoval v rodisku, štyri ročníky na nižšom Evanjelickom gymnáziu v Banskej Bystrici a štyri ročníky s maturitou v lýceu v Bratislave. Právo študoval v Budapešti, Berlíne a Paríži. Začína literárne tvoriť počas stredoškolských štúdií a používať pseudonym Neresnický, no už počas VŠ štúdií prevažujú u neho politické ambície. Po vzniku Československa sa stáva poslancom Národného zhromaždenia a pri riešení hraničných sporov s Poľskom členom plebiscitnej komisie. Od roku 1923 je županom Pohronskej, potom Košickej župy. Od novembra 1929 do októbra 1932 ministrom vnútra. Do diplomatických služieb vstúpil v roku 1935 ako vyslanec v Poľsku, po zániku ČSR sa vzdal funkcie a prednášal v krajanských spolkoch a na univerzitách v USA. Po obsadení Poľska sa stáva členom exilovej vlády v Londýne. Po vojne bol vedúcim kabinetu štátneho tajomníka Vladimíra Klementisa na Ministerstve zahraničných vecí. Od júna 1946 do demisie 3. marca 1948 bol veľvyslancom vo Washingtone. V Banskej Bystrici bol predsedom divadelného združenia, členom správnych rád viacerých peňažných ústavov, predsedom Klubu československých turistov Stredoslovenskej župy, Aeroklubu, podpredsedom Československej obce sokolskej. Za zásluhy na poli turistiky bol uvedený do Siene slávy českej turistiky.

Juraj Slávik studied at the primary school in his native town and then 4 years at the lower Lutheran grammar school in Banská Bystrica and 4 years at the lyceum in Bratislava. He went on to study law in Budapest, Berlin and Paris. He started writing as a secondary school student under the assumed name of Neresnický but his political ambitions prevailed during his university studies. After Czechoslovakia was founded, he became a member of the National Assembly and a member of a plebiscite commission tasked with solving border disputes with Poland. In 1923, he became the Governor of Pohronie County and later the Governor of Košice County. He was the Minister of Interior from November 1929 until October 1932. He joined the diplomatic corps in 1935 as the Ambassador to Poland. After the Czechoslovak Republic ceased to exist, he resigned and worked as a speaker and lecturer in compatriot associations and at universities in the US. After the German occupation of Poland he became a member of the government in exile in London. After World War II, he was the head of cabinet for the State Secretary Vladimír Klementis at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From June 1946 until his resignation on 3 March 1948, he was the Ambassador to Washington. Juraj Slávik was also the chairman of the Theatrical Association in Banská Bystrica, a board member of several financial institutions, president of the Club of Czechoslovak Tourists in Central Slovakia, president of the Aeroklub, and vice-president of the Czechoslovak Sokol Union. He was inducted in the Czech Tourism Hall of Fame for his achievements in tourism.

Autor textu: Mgr. Eva Furdíková