Patrí do druhej generácie predstaviteľov slovenskej hudobnej moderny. Študoval na Štátnom učiteľskom ústave v Banskej Bystrici, na Hudobnej a dramatickej akadémii v Bratislave a Majstrovskej škole Vítězslava Nováka v Prahe. Pôsobil ako pedagóg na konzervatóriu a na VŠMU v Bratislave. Pracoval v bratislavskom rozhlase, ako tajomník Zväzu slovenských skladateľov a ako predseda Zväzu československých skladateľov v Prahe. Jeho hudobná tvorba je žánrovo pestrá. Obsahuje skladby pre deti, piesne, zbory, komorné, koncertné, orchestrálne a javiskové diela, hudbu k filmu a spracovanie folklóru. Viacero diel venoval rodnému kraju (Povesti o rodnom kraji, op. 3, Ruralia slovaca, op. 19). Jeho hudobný fond je deponovaný v Štátnej vedeckej knižnici-Literárnom a hudobnom múzeu v Banskej Bystrici.
Andrej Očenáš belonged to the second generation of Slovak modernist composers. He studied at the Public Teachers Training Institute in Banská Bystrica, at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Bratislava and at the Masters School of Vítězslav Novák in Prague. He worked as a teacher at the Music Academy and at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. He also worked at the Bratislava radio station, held the position of secretary in the Association of Slovak Composers and the position of President in the Association of Czechoslovak Composers in Prague. He composed music in a large variety of genres, including music for children, songs, choir music, as well as chamber, concert, orchestral and theatrical pieces, film scores and arrangements of folk music. He dedicated a number of his works to his native region (Povesti o rodnom kraji (Legends of the Native Land), op. 3, Ruralia Slovaca, op. 19). His musical estate is deposited in the Museum of Literature and Music at the State Scientific Library in Banská Bystrica.
Autor textu: PhDr. Marianna Bárdiová, PhD.