Budínsku rodinu Mühlstein priviedli do Banskej Bystrice v 15. storočí obchodné kontrakty. Veit Mühlstein kúpil banskobystrický banský komplex a prispel k podpísaniu dohody (1475) medzi banskými mestami a spoločnosťou krakovských mešťanov. Okrem podnikania bol Veit aj významným donorom. S mešťanom Kohlmannom dal postaviť na južnej strane Kostola nanebovzatia Panny Márie Kaplnku sv. Ondreja a Tela Kristovho, v interiéri bronzovú krstiteľnicu v Kaplnke sv. Barbory a vo východnej časti hradného areálu obytnú baštu. Pravdepodobne financoval aj stavbu pretória. Úspechy v baníctve ocenil kráľ Matej Korvín (1479), keď rodine trvalo odpustil banskú daň (urburu). Rodina Mühlstein vlastnila v meste rozsiahle majetky a nehnuteľnosti. Po smrti Veita Mühlsteina sa stal dedičom syn Gregor (Juraj), ktorý sa zaviazal (1506), že v prípade smrti prenechá polovicu banskobystrických majetkov manželke Barbore. Po jej smrti meno Mühlstein v Banskej Bystrici zaniklo.
The Mühlstein family from Buda came to Banská Bystrica in the 15th century to pursue their business activities. Veit Mühlstein acquired the town’s mining operations and helped reach an agreement (1475) between the mining towns and the company of the burghers of Krakow. As a businessman, Veit was also an important donor. Together with burgher Kohlmann he financed the construction of the Chapel of St. Andrew and of the Body of Christ on the south side of the Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, a bronze baptismal font in the Chapel of St. Barbara and a bastion with living quarters in the eastern part of the castle area. He probably also financed the construction of the Praetorium. King Matej Korvín rewarded Mühlstein for his achievements in mining (1479) by exempting his family from the mining tax (urbura). The Mühlstein family owned numerous properties, including buildings, in the town. After the death of Veit Mühlstein, these were inherited by his son Gregor (Juraj) who made a commitment (1506) to pass half of his property in Banská Bystrica on to his wife Barbora upon his death. After the death of Barbora, the Mühlstein family was no longer present in Banská Bystrica.
Autor textu: PhDr. Filip Glocko