V roku 1915 maturoval na Gymnáziu v Banskej Štiavnici. Po návrate z ruského frontu vyštudoval teológiu v Bratislave. Od roku 1920 pôsobil ako kaplán a kňaz na rôznych miestach; v roku 1935 sa stal evanjelickým farárom v Banskej Bystrici a v 1944 seniorom zvolenského seniorátu. Počas SNP bol členom Revolučného národného výboru v Banskej Bystrici, po jeho potlačení žil v ilegalite. 5. 1. 1945 bol zatknutý v Martine a zavraždený. Bol autorom kázní, náboženských úvah, biografických a popularizačných článkov, recenzií. Prekladal z nemčiny. Ako účastník protifašistického odboja bol v roku 1947 vyznamenaný In memoriam Radom SNP I. triedy a československým vojnovým krížom. Jeho meno nesie ulica v centre mesta. V roku 2013 bol inštalovaný „kameň zabudnutých“ s jeho menom pred budovou evanjelickej fary.
Ján Bakoss completed his studies at the secondary grammar school in Banská Štiavnica in 1915. After returning from the Russian front, he went on to study theology in Bratislava. Since 1920, he worked as a chaplain and pastor in various places, in 1935 he became the Lutheran pastor of Banská Bystrica, and, in 1944, the senior pastor of the Zvolen district. During the Slovak National Uprising he was a member of the Revolutionary National Committee in Banská Bystrica and he lived in hiding after the uprising had been suppressed. He was arrested on 5 January 1945 in Martin and executed. He is buried in Banská Bystrica. Ján Bakoss is the author of a number of sermons, theological essays, biographies, popular articles and reviews. He was a translator from German. As a member of the anti-Nazi resistance he was awarded the Order of the Slovak National Uprising of the First Class (1947) and the Military Cross in memoriam. A street in the town centre is named after him. In 2013, a “Stolperstein” (stumbling stone) with his name was installed in front of the Lutheran Parish Office.
Autor textu: PaedDr. Jana Borguľová